A C++ library for interoperability between C++ and Tcl


Quick Start

The C++/Tcl library allows to easily integrate these two languages.
It is easy to both extend the Tcl interpreter and to embed the Tcl interpreter in a regular C++ code.

Hello World (extending Tcl)

Let's take the following C++ file:

// example1.cc

#include "cpptcl.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void hello()
     cout << "Hello C++/Tcl!" << endl;

CPPTCL_MODULE(Mymodule, i)
     i.def("hello", hello);

After compiling (let's suppose that the resulting shared library is named mymodule.so), we can do this:

$ tclsh
% load ./mymodule.so
% hello
Hello C++/Tcl!
% for {set i 0} {$i != 4} {incr i} { hello }
Hello C++/Tcl!
Hello C++/Tcl!
Hello C++/Tcl!
Hello C++/Tcl!

In other words, the Tcl interpreter was extended with the loadable module (which is a shared library) that provides the definition of new command.

Hello World (embedding Tcl)

Let's take the following C++ program:

// example2.cc

#include "cpptcl.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
using namespace Tcl;

void hello()
     cout << "Hello C++/Tcl!" << endl;

int main()
     interpreter i;
     i.def("hello", hello);

     string script = "for {set i 0} {$i != 4} {incr i} { hello }";


After compiling, it gives the following result:

$ ./example2
Hello C++/Tcl!
Hello C++/Tcl!
Hello C++/Tcl!
Hello C++/Tcl!

In other words, the Tcl interpreter exists in a C++ application as a regular object.
It is possible to define new commands in this interpreter and execute arbitrary Tcl scripts in it, so that C++ and Tcl communicate with each other.


Copyright © 2004-2006, Maciej Sobczak